Wordpress.org โดนแฮกค์ และข้อมูลอาจโดยเปลี่ยนแปลง


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“Back in April hackers gained access to the WordPress.com servers and exposed passwords/API keys for Twitter and Facebook accounts. Now, hackers gained access to [url=“http://wordpress.org/news/2011/06/passwords-reset/”]Wordpress.org and the plugin repository. Malicious code was found in several commits including popular plugins such as AddThis, WPtouch, or W3 Total Cache. Matt Mullenweg decided to force-reset all passwords on WordPress.org. This is a great remainder for all users not use the same password for two different services.”

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ประกาศจาก wordpress

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[/color][/font]Earlier today the WordPress team noticed suspicious commits to several popular plugins (AddThis, WPtouch, and W3 Total Cache) containing cleverly disguised backdoors. We determined the commits were not from the authors, rolled them back, pushed updates to the plugins, and shut down access to the plugin repository while we looked for anything else unsavory.[color=“#555555”]We’re still investigating what happened, but as a prophylactic measure we’ve decided to force-reset all passwords on WordPress.org. To use the forums, trac, or commit to a plugin or theme, you’ll need to reset your password to a new one. (Same for bbPress.org and BuddyPress.org.)

As a user, make sure to never use the same password for two different services, and we encourage you not to reset your password to be the same as your old one.


Second, if you use AddThis, [url=“http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wptouch/”]WPtouch, or [url=“http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/w3-total-cache/”]W3 Total Cache and there’s a possibility you could have updated in the past day, make sure to visit your updates page and upgrade each to the latest version.[font=“Arial, sans-serif”][color=“#363636”]


ขอบคุณนะครับ แต่คงไม่มีผลกับเว็บที่ใช้ wordpress ใช่ไหมครับ

กำ รีบเข้าไปเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านโดยด่วนเลย

เมื่อวาน ว่าทำไม WPtouch กับ W3 Total Cache มันอัพเดดบ่อยเกิน

ไม่มี ถ้าไม่ได้เพิ่งโหลดตัวโปรแกรม หรือตัว module ที่โดนฝัง backdoor ไว้มาลงนะครับ