[/.] Users Rage Over Missing FireWire On New MacBooks

Users Rage Over Missing FireWire On New MacBooks

CWmike writes "Apple customers, unhappy that the company dropped FireWire from its new MacBook (not the Pro), are venting their frustrations on the company’s support forum in hundreds of messages. Within minutes of Apple CEO Steve Jobs wrapping up a launch event in Cupertino, Calif., users started several threads to vent overt the omission. ‘Apple really screwed up with no FireWire port,’ said Russ Tolman, who inaugurated a thread that by Thursday has collected more than 300 messages and been viewed over 8,000 times. ‘No MacBook with [FireWire] — no new MacBook for me,’ added Simon Meyer in a message posted yesterday. Several mentioned that FireWire’s disappearance means that the new MacBooks could not be connected to other Macs using Target Disk Mode, and one noted that iMovie will have no way to connect to new MacBooks.Others pointed out that the previous-generation MacBook, which Apple is still selling at a reduced price of $999, includes a FireWire port. Apple introduced FireWire into its product lines in 1999 and championed the standard."Read more of this story at Slashdot.