[/.] The Best Fictional Doomsday Devices

The Best Fictional Doomsday Devices

Ostracus writes to tell us that Wired has an interesting summary of some of the best fictional doomsday devices. These devices have featured heavily in movies, television, and fiction, their list includes favorites from Dr. Strangelove to Futurama. What devices have they missed? "By the time Futurama’s sci-fi satire hit the scene, creator Matt Groening had the doomsday-device shtick down. Case in point: the Spheroboom. This highly explosive space/time-bending device isn’t just the prized jewel of the show’s mad scientist, professor Farnsworth. It also destroys anyone/anything not wearing a ‘Doom-proof Platinum Vest.’"Read more of this story at Slashdot.