------- Confirmation email -------
Thank you for your contribution to the launch fund for Firefox 1.0!
The name(s) below will be included in a full-page advertisment in a national daily newspaper celebrating the availability of Firefox 1.0.
Donation ID: 2778
Donation Amount: $30.00
Donation Name: (–deleted–)
Placed On: 1:46 AM Wednesday October 20, 2004
Payment Type: (paid in full)
Billing Address
We’re going to make the entire technology community sit up and take notice – Get Firefox!
In order for this campaign to work, Firefox needs your help! Email, IM and call your friends and make sure they get their names included in the ad. There’s only one first-ever and this is it!
When the Firefox 1.0 full-page ad hits, make sure your name is in it!
You can also purchase a full-sized poster of the ad from the Mozilla
Store (http://www.mozillastore.com/products/stuff/nytimesfirefox). Back
copies of the New York Times may be purchased directly from the paper by
calling 1-800-543-5380.
We apologize for sending you this notification on the day after the ad
has run. This kind of campaign has been a first all of us (in fact, it’s
been a milestone achievement for open source!) and at times a bit
overwhelming. Now we’re going to take a deep breath, listen carefully to
feedback from all of you and the rest of the Spread Firefox community,
and move on to the next big goal!
There were a small number of errors in the newsprint version of the ad.
Please check the ad and let us know if you’d like us to make any changes
in the poster edition. In cases where we are responsible for an error,
we’ll gladly send you a free copy of the poster autographed by the
Firefox crew (make sure to send us your mailing address). We may also
issue refunds of contributions on a case by case basis. Please send all
requests for modifications to nytadcorrections@gmail.com right away
(deadline: 12pm noon, PST, Monday).
Your support of this campaign has been amazing. Thank you and please
accept our sincere apologies for the minor glitches during this amazing
learning experience.
Keep spreading the fire!
Bart, Chris, Rob, Chris, Blake, Daryl and Asa,
The Spread Firefox crew