[/.] Shuttleworth On Redefining File Systems

Shuttleworth On Redefining File Systems

moteyalpha writes "Mark Shuttleworth described the beginnings of what could a great step forward in making file systems more usable. I’ve personally had the experience of trying to find a file for a customer who had just finished editing a critical report, saved it, and then couldn’t locate it to deliver to their client. Quoting: ‘My biggest concern on this front is that it be done in a way that every desktop environment can embrace. We need a consistent experience across GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice and Firefox so that content can flow from app to app in a seamless fashion and the user’s expectations can be met no matter which app or environment they happen to use. If someone sends a file to me over Empathy, and I want to open it in Amarok, then I shouldn’t have to work with two completely different mental models of content storage.’"Read more of this story at Slashdot.