[/.] Machines Almost Pass Mass Turing Test

Machines Almost Pass Mass Turing Test

dewilso4 writes "Of the five finalists at this year’s Loebner prize Turing Test at least three of five computers managed to fool humans into thinking they were human conversationalists. Ready to speak about Eminem to Slaughterhouse Five and everything in between, these machines are showing they we’re merely a clock cycle away from true AI. ‘…I was fooled. I mistook Eugene for a real human being. In fact, and perhaps this is worse, he was so convincing that I assumed that the human being with whom I was simultaneously conversing was a computer.’ Another of the entrants, Jabberwacky can apparently even woo the ladies: ‘Some of its conversational partners confide in it every day; one conversation, with a teenaged girl, lasted 11 hours.’ The winning submission this year, Elbot, fooled 25% of judges into thinking he was human. The threshold for the $100K prize is 30%. Maybe next year…"Read more of this story at Slashdot.
