[/.] iGoogle Users Irate About Portal's Changes

iGoogle Users Irate About Portal’s Changes

bhhenry sends in an InformationWeek report on a recent unannounced change in the iGoogle portal. Quoting: “Google insists that its revised iGoogle personalized home page generates better ‘happiness metrics’ than the old design, but a vocal group of users isn’t happy about the changes.” The recent change introduces what Google refers to as “canvas view,” which the Official Google Blog claims “… makes iGoogle a more useful homepage and a better platform for developers.” Unlike the last major change made to Gmail, there is no option to revert to the old version of iGoogle. iGoogle users are reporting that widgets and themes are broken, Gmail attachments don’t work, and valuable screen space is wasted. The Personalizing Google section of Google Groups is full of thousands of complaints about this sudden and unannounced change. Many posters have have stated that they are using the Canadian or UK version of iGoogle or even moving to NetVibes.com to get their preferred layout back. It seems that Google and Yahoo are moving in lockstep in springing forced changes that users hate.Read more of this story at Slashdot.