[/.] Game-Related Education On the Rise At Colleges

Game-Related Education On the Rise At Colleges

The LA Times has a story about the increased interest in learning how to make video games amongst college students, and the subsequent rise in game-related education as the schools respond to that demand. Some programs are gaining legitimacy, while others do perhaps more harm than good. Quoting: "The surge in interest has led schools to add games to their menu — but not always to the benefit of its students. Recruiters say they often see ‘mills’ that run around-the-clock sessions to quickly churn out as many students as possible. Other programs teach specific skills but not how games are pulled together. ‘It’s a very hot academic growth area,’ said Colleen McCreary, who runs EA’s university relations program. ‘I’m very worried about the number of community colleges and for-profit institutions, as well as four-year programs, that are using game design as a lure for students who are not going to be prepared for the real entry-level positions that the game industry wants.’"Read more of this story at Slashdot.