In Outlook, go to the Tools menu, Macro option, and select Visual Basic Editor.
In the Project listing (upper left box on the screen), expand Project1 (VbaProject.OTM) and within that expand Microsoft Office Outlook Objects.
Double-click the ThisOutlookSession project to open it. In most cases this is empty, unless you’ve already been modifying your copy of Outlook with macros and such.
In the code window that opens up, choose Application from the left most drop-down list box, and ItemSend from the other (it might automatically be selected for you).
You should be presented with something like this:
- Copy and paste the following code :
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim objMe As Recipient
Set objMe = Item.Recipients.Add("your email here")
objMe.Type = olBCC
Set objMe = Nothing
End Sub
- Save the VbaProject.OTM file, close the Visual Basic editor, return to Outlook, and start sending messages.
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