[/.] Australian Government Ignoring Problems With Proposed Filters

Australian Government Ignoring Problems With Proposed Filters

halll7 writes with an update to the proposed Australian national firewall we discussed recently. According to the BBC, “The official watchdog, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), has been conducting laboratory tests of six filtering products, and the government plans a live trial soon. … After its recent trials, ACMA reported significant improvements on earlier studies. The network degradation on one product was less than 2%, although two products were in excess of 75%.” Now, Ars Technica reports that “an Australian newspaper has uncovered documents showing that the government minister responsible for the program has ignored performance and accuracy problems with the filters, then tried to suppress criticism of the plan by private citizens.” The EFF has a great deal to say in opposition of these plans.Read more of this story at Slashdot.