Ubuntu 5.04 ออกมาแล้ว

I just download both Install and Live CD version from Ubuntu
I use Live CD on my notebook (Acer Extensa 2308), very work fine
not any setting, just enter enter and enter

Internet :
it very easy just plug and play, and anything work fine
however, Ubuntu cannot found my wireless card, may be it not support or I need to
install it by myself…

Thai Langauage.
good for display, reading. But it not support thai langauge, that’s mean I can’t type thai. At this point, I think it not hard, just package as some script and install it after boot, but may be someone inprove thai language in the feature.

Target Group
I think the target is end user with Internet, (I mean only LiveCD version)
Ubuntu come with common software: Gimp, Evolution, Firefox, Gaim, Gnome BitTorrent, XChat, OpenOffice and general software

Compare with Best LiveCD-- KNOPPIX
I think Ubuntu best for end user, but KNOPPIX good for advance user to developer

KNOPPIX use on fly decompression on their live cd, the result is only a CDROM will have more than 2GB! but I think Ubuntu not, of couse Ubuntu should faster…?
Also KNOPPIX come with Kdevelop tool and build in many languages.

However Ubuntu very easy to use

MORE : http://www.narisa.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7049

In ter es ting ! :slight_smile:

รอทาง linuxtle จะเอามาพัฒนาเป็นภาษาไทยอยู่ครับ :wink: