แจกไฟล์ lang ภาษาไทย ของ WHMCS 5.0.3 ครับ

เห็นเพื่อนๆขอกันมาครับ เลยเอามาแบ่งปันครับ


แก้ไขเสร็จแล้ว เดี๋ยวผมเอามาให้โหลดใหม่ครับ

น้ำใจงามมาก ขอบคุณครับ

ขอบคุณมากๆ คร้าบบบ



ขอบคุณมากๆ ซึ่งในน้ำใจครับ


เหมือน จะมีถึง V 4.1 รึป่าวครับ

อึ่ม… ลองดาวน์โหลดมาดูก็เป็นอย่างที่โดนทักนะ มีแค่ V4.1 ยังไม่พอ ไม่เอาของ 5.0.3 มาเสริม แถมไม่ comment บอกกันไว้

หากพวกเล่นนำไฟล์ไปทับอันเก่าเลย ก็จะขาดข้อมูลไป

ผมลองแล้วครับ ภาษาไทย บางตัวไม่โชว์เลย

มันไม่ครบนี่มันแค่ 4.1 ขาดส่วนของ 5.0.3

ก็ถึงว่าทำไมมันไม่ได้ แบบนี้ต้องแปลงเองแน่ ๆ เลยครับ

ถ้าผิดพลาดตรงไหน ต้องขออภัยด้วยคร๊าบ

ผมก็ไม่ได้แปลเพิ่มนะ พอดีที่ใช้อยู่ไม่เจอปัญหาอะไรเลย


งั้นขอแก้ตัวใหม่เดี๋ยวผมแปลมาให้ครับ สำหรับใครที่ยังไม่ได้แปลเองนะ

Version 4.2

$_LANG[‘promoappliedbutnodiscount’] = “The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet - please check the promotion terms”;

$_LANG[‘upgradeerroroverdueinvoice’] = "You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an invoice has already been generated for the next renewal.

To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate.";

$_LANG[‘subaccountactivate’] = “Activate Sub-Account”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountactivatedesc’] = “Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermissions’] = “Sub-Account Permissions”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsprofile’] = “Modify Master Account Profile”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermscontacts’] = “View & Manage Contacts”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsproducts’] = “View Products & Services”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsmanageproducts’] = “View & Modify Product Passwords”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsdomains’] = “View Domains”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsmanagedomains’] = “Manage Domain Settings”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsinvoices’] = “View & Pay Invoices”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermstickets’] = “View & Open Support Tickets”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsaffiliates’] = “View & Manage Affiliate Account”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsemails’] = “View Emails”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermsorders’] = “Place New Orders/Upgrades/Cancellations”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountpermissiondenied’] = “You do not have the required permissions to access this page”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountallowedperms’] = “Your allowed permissions are:”;

$_LANG[‘subaccountcontactmaster’] = “Contact the master account owner if you feel this to be an error.”;

$_LANG[‘knowledgebasealsoread’] = “Also Read”;

$_LANG[‘orderpaymenttermtriennially’] = “Triennially”;

$_LANG[‘orderpaymentterm36month’] = “36 Month Price”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewals’] = “Domain Renewals”;

$_LANG[‘domaindaysuntilexpiry’] = “Days Until Expiry”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalsnoneavailable’] = “There are no domains elligible for renewal in your account”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalspastgraceperiod’] = “Past Renewable Period”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalsingraceperiod’] = “Last Chance to Renew!”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalsdays’] = “Days”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalsdaysago’] = “Days Ago”;

$_LANG[‘invoicespartialpayments’] = “Partial Payments”;

$_LANG[‘invoicestotaldue’] = “Total Due”;

$_LANG[‘masspaytitle’] = “Mass Payment”;

$_LANG[‘masspaydescription’] = “Below is a summary of the selected invoices and the total due to pay all of them. To submit payment please just choose your desired payment method below and then submit.”;

$_LANG[‘masspayselected’] = “Pay Selected”;

$_LANG[‘masspayall’] = “Pay All”;

$_LANG[‘masspaymakepayment’] = “Make Payment”;

Version 4.3

$_LANG[‘searchenterdomain’] = “Enter Domain to Find”;

$_LANG[‘searchfilter’] = “Filter”;

$_LANG[‘suspendreason’] = “Suspension Reason”;

$_LANG[‘suspendreasonoverdue’] = “Overdue on Payment”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetmanagement’] = “VPS Management”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetpowermanagement’] = “Power Management”;

$_LANG[‘poweron’] = “Power On”;

$_LANG[‘poweroffforced’] = “Power Off (Forced)”;

$_LANG[‘powerreboot’] = “Reboot”;

$_LANG[‘powershutdown’] = “Shutdown”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetcpugraphs’] = “CPU Graphs”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetnetworkgraphs’] = “Network Graphs”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnethourly’] = “Hourly”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetdaily’] = “Daily”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetweekly’] = “Weekly”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetmonthly’] = “Monthly”;

$_LANG[‘view’] = “View”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetbackups’] = “Backup Options”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetgenbackup’] = “Generate Backup”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetrestorebackup’] = “Restore Backup”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetrestorebackupwarning’] = “Restoring the backup will over write your VPS server”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetnobackups’] = “There are no backups”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetrunning’] = “Running”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetnotrunning’] = “Not Running”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetpowercycling’] = “Power is cycling”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetcloud’] = “Cloud”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnettemplate’] = “Template”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetstatus’] = “System Status”;

$_LANG[‘vpsnetbwusage’] = “Bandwidth Usage”;

$_LANG[‘twitterlatesttweets’] = “Our Latest Tweets”;

$_LANG[‘twitterfollow’] = “Follow Us on Twitter”;

$_LANG[‘twitterfollowus’] = “Follow us”;

$_LANG[‘twitterfollowuswhy’] = “to stay up to date with our latest news & offers”;

$_LANG[‘chatlivehelp’] = “Live Help”;

$_LANG[‘domainrelease’] = “Release Domain”;

$_LANG[‘domainreleasedescription’] = “Enter a new TAG here to move your domain name to another registrar”;

$_LANG[‘domainreleasetag’] = “New Registrar Tag”;

Ajax Order Form

$_LANG[‘orderformtitle’] = “Order Form”;

$_LANG[‘signup’] = “Signup”;

$_LANG[‘loading’] = “Loading…”;

$_LANG[‘ordersummarybegin’] = “Please choose a product to begin”;

$_LANG[‘cartchooseproduct’] = “Choose Product”;

$_LANG[‘cartconfigurationoptions’] = “Configuration Options”;

$_LANG[‘ordererrorsoccurred’] = “The following errors occured and must be corrected before checkout:”;

$_LANG[‘ordererrortermsofservice’] = “The Terms of Service must be agreed to”;

$_LANG[‘ordertostickconfirm’] = “Please tick to confirm you agree to the”;

$_LANG[‘cartnewcustomer’] = “I’m a New Customer”;

$_LANG[‘cartexistingcustomer’] = “I’m an Existing Customer”;

$_LANG[‘cartpromo’] = “Promotion”;

$_LANG[‘cartenterpromo’] = “Enter Promotion Code”;

$_LANG[‘cartremovepromo’] = “Remove Promo”;

$_LANG[‘cartrecurringcharges’] = “Recurring Charges”;

$_LANG[‘cartenterdomain’] = “Please enter the domain you would like to use below.”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainavailableoptions’] = “Congratulations, this domain is available!”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainavailableregister’] = “Please register this domain for”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainavailablemanual’] = “I will register it myself seperately”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainunavailableoptions’] = “Sorry, this domain is already taken. If you are the owner, please choose an option below…”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainunavailabletransfer’] = “Please transfer my domain for”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainunavailablemanual’] = “I already own this domain and will update the nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomaininvalid’] = “The domain you entered is not valid. Enter only the part after the www. and include the TLD”;

Version 4.4

$_LANG[‘dlinvalidlink’] = “Invalid Link Followed. Please Contact Support”;

$_LANG[‘domaindnsmanagementlaunch’] = “Launch DNS Manager”;

$_LANG[‘domainemailforwardinglaunch’] = “Launch Mail Forwarding Manager”;

Version 4.5

$_LANG[‘domaindnspriority’] = “Priority”;

$_LANG[‘domaindnsmxonly’] = “Priority Record for MX Only”;

$_LANG[‘orderpromoprestart’] = “This promotion has not yet started. Please try again later.”;

$_LANG[‘ticketmerge’] = “MERGED”;

$_LANG[‘quote’] = “Quote”;

$_LANG[‘quotestitle’] = “My Quotes”;

$_LANG[‘quotedownload’] = “View/Download”;

$_LANG[‘noquotes’] = “There are currently no quotes saved under your account.
To request a quote, please open a ticket.”;

$_LANG[‘quotenumber’] = “Quote #”;

$_LANG[‘quotesubject’] = “Subject”;

$_LANG[‘quotedatecreated’] = “Date Created”;

$_LANG[‘quotevaliduntil’] = “Valid Until”;

$_LANG[‘quotestage’] = “Stage”;

$_LANG[‘quoterecipient’] = “Recipient”;

$_LANG[‘quoteqty’] = “Qty”;

$_LANG[‘quotedesc’] = “Description”;

$_LANG[‘quoteunitprice’] = “Unit Price”;

$_LANG[‘quotediscount’] = “Discount %”;

$_LANG[‘quotelinetotal’] = “Total”;

$_LANG[‘quotestagedraft’] = “Draft”;

$_LANG[‘quotestagedelivered’] = “Delivered”;

$_LANG[‘quotestageonhold’] = “On Hold”;

$_LANG[‘quotestageaccepted’] = “Accepted”;

$_LANG[‘quotestagelost’] = “Lost”;

$_LANG[‘quotestagedead’] = “Dead”;

$_LANG[‘quoteref’] = “Re Quote #”;

$_LANG[‘quotedeposit’] = “Deposit”;

$_LANG[‘quotefinalpayment’] = “Balance from Deposit”;

$_LANG[‘invoiceoneoffpayment’] = “Make One Off Payment”;

$_LANG[‘invoicesubscriptionpayment’] = “Create Automated Recurring Subscription”;

$_LANG[‘invoicepaymentpendingreview’] = "Thank You! Your payment was successful and will be applied to your invoice as soon as 2CheckOut’s Review Process has completed.

This can take up to a few hours so your patience is appreciated.";

$_LANG[‘step’] = “Step %s”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainexists’] = “This domain already exists in our database so cannot be ordered again”;

$_LANG[‘cartcongratsdomainavailable’] = “Congratulations, %s is available!”;

$_LANG[‘cartregisterhowlong’] = “How long do you want to register this for?”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomaintaken’] = “Sorry, %s is already taken”;

$_LANG[‘carttransfernotregistered’] = “%s does not appear to be registered yet”;

$_LANG[‘carttransferpossible’] = “Congratulations, we can transfer %s to us for just %s”;

$_LANG[‘cartotherdomainsuggestions’] = “Other domains you might be interested in…”;

$_LANG[‘cartdomainsconfiginfo’] = “The following options and settings are available for the domains you have chosen. Required fields are indicated with a *.”;

$_LANG[‘cartnameserverchoice’] = “Nameserver Choice”;

$_LANG[‘cartnameserverchoicedefault’] = “Use default nameservers for our hosting”;

$_LANG[‘cartnameserverchoicecustom’] = “Use custom nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘cartfollowingaddonsavailable’] = “The following addons are available for your active products & services.”;

$_LANG[‘cartregisterdomainchoice’] = “Register a new domain”;

$_LANG[‘carttransferdomainchoice’] = “Transfer your domain from another registrar”;

$_LANG[‘cartexistingdomainchoice’] = “I will use my existing domain and update my nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘cartsubdomainchoice’] = “Use a subdomain from %s”;

$_LANG[‘carterrordomainconfigskipped’] = “You must go back and complete the required domain configuration fields above”;

$_LANG[‘cartproductchooseoptions’] = “Choose Options”;

$_LANG[‘cartproductselection’] = “Product Selection”;

$_LANG[‘cartreviewcheckout’] = “Review & Checkout”;

$_LANG[‘cartchoosecycle’] = “Choose Billing Cycle”;

$_LANG[‘cartavailableaddons’] = “Available Addons”;

$_LANG[‘cartsetupfees’] = “Setup Fees”;

$_LANG[‘cartchooseanotherproduct’] = “Choose Another Product”;

$_LANG[‘cartaddandcheckout’] = “Add to Cart & Checkout”;

$_LANG[‘cartchooseanothercategory’] = “Choose Another Category”;

$_LANG[‘carttryanotherdomain’] = “Try another domain”;

$_LANG[‘cartmakedomainselection’] = “Please provide us with the domain you want to use with your hosting service by selecting an option from the selections below.”;

$_LANG[‘cartfraudcheck’] = “Fraud Check”;

$_LANG[‘newcustomer’] = “New Customer”;

$_LANG[‘existingcustomer’] = “Existing Customer”;

$_LANG[‘newcustomersignup’] = “Not Yet Registered? %sClick here to signup…%s”;

$_LANG[‘upgradeonselectedoptions’] = “(On Selected Options)”;

$_LANG[‘recurringpromodesc’] = “This promotion code also includes a %s Recurring Discount
(This discount will apply to future renewals of the product’s total price)”;

Version 4.5.2

$_LANG[‘ajaxcartcheckout’] = “Jump straight to checkout »”;

$_LANG[‘ordersummarybegin’] = “Shopping Cart is Empty
Please choose a product to begin…”;

$_LANG[‘ajaxcartconfigreqnotice’] = “You’re on the way to signing up with us, but you must choose a domain before you can add the selected product to your cart…”;

Version 5.0.0

$_LANG[‘cancelrequestdomain’] = “Cancel Domain Renewal?”;

$_LANG[‘cancelrequestdomaindesc’] = "You also have an active domain registration for the domain associated with this product
This domain is due to renew on %s at a cost of %s for %s Year/s

If you would like to cancel the domain as well, and let it expire at the end of the current registration, then simply tick the box below.";

$_LANG[‘cancelrequestdomainconfirm’] = “I confirm I do not want to renew this domain again”;

$_LANG[‘startingfrom’] = “Starting from”;

$_LANG[‘orderpromopriceoverride’] = “Price Override”;

$_LANG[‘orderpromofreesetup’] = “Free Setup”;

$_LANG[‘thereisaproblem’] = “Oops, there’s a problem…”;

$_LANG[‘problemgoback’] = “Go back & try again”;

$_LANG[‘quantity’] = “Quantity”;

$_LANG[‘cartqtyenterquantity’] = “Want more than 1 of this item? Enter Quantity Here:”;

$_LANG[‘cartqtyupdate’] = “Update”;

$_LANG[‘invoiceqtyeach’] = “/each”;

$_LANG[‘nschoicedefault’] = “Use default nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘nschoicecustom’] = “Use custom nameservers (enter below)”;

$_LANG[‘jumpto’] = “Jump to”;

$_LANG[‘top’] = “Top”;

$_LANG[‘domaincontactusexisting’] = “Use existing account contact”;

$_LANG[‘domaincontactusecustom’] = “Specify custom information below”;

$_LANG[‘domaincontactchoose’] = “Choose Contact”;

$_LANG[‘domaincontactprimary’] = “Primary Profile Data”;

$_LANG[‘invoicepdfgenerated’] = “PDF Generated on”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewalsbeforerenewlimit’] = “Minimum Advance Renewal is %s Days”;

$_LANG[‘promonewsignupsonly’] = “This promotion code is only valid for new customers”;

Bulk Domain Management

$_LANG[‘domainbulkmanagement’] = “Bulk Management Actions”;

$_LANG[‘domainbulkmanagementchangesaffect’] = “The changes made below will affect the following domains:”;

$_LANG[‘domainbulkmanagementchangeaffect’] = “This change will apply to the following domains:”;

$_LANG[‘domaincannotbemanaged’] = “cannot be managed automatically - please contact support regarding any changes you want to make”;

$_LANG[‘domainbulkmanagementnotpossible’] = “Unfortunately these settings cannot be edited from our client area at the current time. Please contact support regarding any changes you wanted to make.”;

$_LANG[‘domainmanagens’] = “Manage Nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘domainautorenewstatus’] = “Auto Renewal Status”;

$_LANG[‘domainautorenewinfo’] = “Auto renew helps protect your domain. When enabled, we will automatically send you a renewal invoice a few weeks before your domain expires, and renew the domain should payment be successful.”;

$_LANG[‘domainautorenewrecommend’] = “We recommend keeping auto renew enabled to avoid losing your domain.”;

$_LANG[‘domainreglockstatus’] = “Registrar Lock Status”;

$_LANG[‘domainreglockinfo’] = “Registrar Lock (also known as Theft Protection) secures your Domain from unauthorized transfers.”;

$_LANG[‘domainreglockrecommend’] = “We recommend that you keep this enabled, except when transferring your Domain Name away.”;

$_LANG[‘domainreglockenable’] = “Enable Registrar Lock”;

$_LANG[‘domainreglockdisable’] = “Disable Registrar Lock”;

$_LANG[‘domaincontactinfoedit’] = “Edit Contact Information”;

$_LANG[‘domainmassrenew’] = “Renew Domains”;


$_LANG[‘captchatitle’] = “Spam Bot Verification”;

$_LANG[‘captchaverify’] = “Please enter the characters you see in the image below into the text box provided. This is required to prevent automated submissions.”;

$_LANG[‘captchaverifyincorrect’] = “The characters you entered didn’t match the image shown. Please try again.”;

$_LANG[‘recaptcha-invalid-site-private-key’] = “An error occurred, please contact support (error code: cap1)”;

$_LANG[‘recaptcha-invalid-request-cookie’] = “An error occurred, please try again (error code: cap2)”;

$_LANG[‘recaptcha-incorrect-captcha-sol’] = “The characters you entered didn’t match the word verification. Please try again.”;

Product Bundles

$_LANG[‘bundledeal’] = “Bundle Deal!”;

$_LANG[‘bundlevaliddateserror’] = “Bundle Unavailable”;

$_LANG[‘bundlevaliddateserrordesc’] = “This bundle is either not yet active or has expired. If you feel this message to be an error, please contact support.”;

$_LANG[‘bundlemaxusesreached’] = “Bundle Unavailable”;

$_LANG[‘bundlemaxusesreacheddesc’] = “This bundle offer has reached the maximum number of uses allowed and so unfortunately is no longer available. Please contact us if you you’re interested in our services to discuss.”;

$_LANG[‘bundlereqsnotmet’] = “Bundle Requirements Not Met”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningpromo’] = “The selected bundle cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductcycle’] = “The selected bundle requires you choose the billing cycle ‘%s’ for product %s to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductconfopreq’] = “The selected bundle requires you select ‘%s’ for ‘%s’ in order to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductconfopyesnoenable’] = “The selected bundle requires you enable the option ‘%s’ in order to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductconfopyesnodisable’] = “The selected bundle requires you deselect the option ‘%s’ in order to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductconfopqtyreq’] = “The selected bundle requires you choose a quantity of ‘%s’ for ‘%s’ in order to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningproductaddonreq’] = “The selected bundle requires you select the addon ‘%s’ for product %s to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningdomainreq’] = “The selected bundle requires you register or transfer a domain with the product %s to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningdomaintld’] = “The selected bundle requires you choose a domain with the extension(s) ‘%s’ for domain %s to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningdomainregperiod’] = “The selected bundle requires you select the registration period ‘%s’ for domain %s to qualify”;

$_LANG[‘bundlewarningdomainaddon’] = “The selected bundle requires you select the addon ‘%s’ for domain %s to qualify”;

New Client Area Template Lines

$_LANG[‘navservices’] = “Services”;

$_LANG[‘navservicesorder’] = “Order New Services”;

$_LANG[‘navdomains’] = “Domains”;

$_LANG[‘navrenewdomains’] = “Renew Domains”;

$_LANG[‘navregisterdomain’] = “Register a New Domain”;

$_LANG[‘navtransferdomain’] = “Transfer Domains to Us”;

$_LANG[‘navwhoislookup’] = “Whois Lookup”;

$_LANG[‘navbilling’] = “Billing”;

$_LANG[‘navsupport’] = “Support”;

$_LANG[‘navtickets’] = “Tickets”;

$_LANG[‘navopenticket’] = “Open Ticket”;

$_LANG[‘navmanagecc’] = “Manage Credit Card”;

$_LANG[‘navemailssent’] = “Emails Sent”;

$_LANG[‘hello’] = “Hello”;

$_LANG[‘account’] = “Account”;

$_LANG[‘login’] = “Login”;

$_LANG[‘register’] = “Register”;

$_LANG[‘forgotpw’] = “Forgot Password?”;

$_LANG[‘editaccountdetails’] = “Edit Account Details”;

$_LANG[‘clientareanavccdetails’] = “Credit Card Details”;

$_LANG[‘clientareanavcontacts’] = “Contacts/Sub-Accounts”;

$_LANG[‘manageyouraccount’] = “Manage Your Account”;

$_LANG[‘accountoverview’] = “Account Overview”;

$_LANG[‘paymentmethod’] = “Payment Method”;

$_LANG[‘paymentmethoddefault’] = “Use Default (Set Per Order)”;

$_LANG[‘productmanagementactions’] = “Management Actions”;

$_LANG[‘clientareanoaddons’] = “No Addons Purchased Yet”;

$_LANG[‘downloadssearch’] = “Search Downloads”;

$_LANG[‘emailviewmessage’] = “View Message”;

$_LANG[‘resultsperpage’] = “Results Per Page”;

$_LANG[‘accessdenied’] = “Access Denied”;

$_LANG[‘search’] = “Search”;

$_LANG[‘cancel’] = “Cancel”;

$_LANG[‘clientareabacklink’] = “« Back”;

$_LANG[‘backtoserviceslist’] = “« Back to Services List”;

$_LANG[‘backtodomainslist’] = “« Back to Domains List”;

$_LANG[‘clientareahomeorder’] = “Visit the Order Form to browse the Products & Services we offer. Existing customers can also purchase optional extras and addons here.”;

$_LANG[‘clientareahomelogin’] = “Already registered with us? If so, click the button below to login to our client area from where you can manage your account.”;

$_LANG[‘clientareahomeorderbtn’] = “Go to Order Form”;

$_LANG[‘clientareahomeloginbtn’] = “Secure Client Login”;

$_LANG[‘clientareaproductsintro’] = “These are all the services you have registered in this account.”;

$_LANG[‘clientareaproductdetailsintro’] = “Here is an overview of your product/service with us.”;

$_LANG[‘clientareadomainsintro’] = “These are all the domains you have registered in this account.”;

$_LANG[‘invoicesintro’] = “Below you can review your entire invoice history with us.”;

$_LANG[‘quotesintro’] = “Here are all the quotes we’ve generated for you.”;

$_LANG[‘emailstagline’] = “Here’s a copy of the recent emails we’ve sent you…”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketsintro’] = “Submit and track any enquiries with us here…”;

$_LANG[‘addfundsintro’] = “Deposit money in advance”;

$_LANG[‘registerintro’] = “Create an account with us . . .”;

$_LANG[‘masspayintro’] = “Pay all the invoices listed below in a single easy transaction by choosing a payment method”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerintro’] = “Start your web hosting search here by checking if your domain is available…”;

$_LANG[‘networkstatusintro’] = “Service Status Information and Network Announcements”;

$_LANG[‘creditcardyourinfo’] = “Billing Information”;

$_LANG[‘ourlatestnews’] = “Our Latest News”;

$_LANG[‘ccexpiringsoon’] = “Credit Card Expiring Soon”;

$_LANG[‘ccexpiringsoondesc’] = “Your credit card is expiring soon so please ensure you %supdate your card details%s with us when you can”;

$_LANG[‘availcreditbal’] = “Available Credit Balance”;

$_LANG[‘availcreditbaldesc’] = “You have a credit balance of %s and this will be automatically applied to any new invoices”;

$_LANG[‘youhaveoverdueinvoices’] = “You have %s Overdue Invoice(s)”;

$_LANG[‘overdueinvoicesdesc’] = “To avoid service interruption, please pay your outstanding invoices as soon as possible. %sPay Now »%s”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketsnoneopen’] = “There are currently no open support tickets”;

$_LANG[‘invoicesnoneunpaid’] = “There are currently no unpaid invoices”;

$_LANG[‘registerdisablednotice’] = “To register please place an <a href="cart.php">order</a>”;

$_LANG[‘pwstrength’] = “Password Strength”;

$_LANG[‘pwstrengthenter’] = “Enter a Password”;

$_LANG[‘pwstrengthweak’] = “Weak”;

$_LANG[‘pwstrengthmoderate’] = “Moderate”;

$_LANG[‘pwstrengthstrong’] = “Strong”;

$_LANG[‘managing’] = “Managing”;

$_LANG[‘information’] = “Information”;

$_LANG[‘withselected’] = “With Selected”;

$_LANG[‘managedomain’] = “Manage Domain”;

$_LANG[‘changenameservers’] = “Change Nameservers”;

$_LANG[‘clientareadomainmanagedns’] = “Manage DNS”;

$_LANG[‘clientareadomainmanageemailfwds’] = “Manage Email Forwards”;

$_LANG[‘moduleactionsuccess’] = “Action Completed Successfully!”;

$_LANG[‘moduleactionfailed’] = “Action Failed”;

$_LANG[‘domaininfoexp’] = “To the right you can find the details of your domain. You can manage your domain using the tabs above.”;

$_LANG[‘domainrenewexp’] = “Enable auto renew to have us automatically send you a renewal invoice before your domain expires.”;

$_LANG[‘domainnsexp’] = “You can change where your domain points to here. Please be aware changes can take up to 24 hours to propogate.”;

$_LANG[‘domainlockingexp’] = “Lock your domain to prevent it from being transferred away without your authorization.”;

$_LANG[‘domaincurrentlyunlocked’] = “Domain Currently Unlocked!”;

$_LANG[‘domaincurrentlyunlockedexp’] = “You should enable the registrar lock unless you are transferring the domain.”;

$_LANG[‘searchmultipletlds’] = “Search Multiple TLDs”;

$_LANG[‘networkstatustitle’] = “Network Status”;

$_LANG[‘networkstatusnone’] = “There are no %s Network Issues Currently”;

$_LANG[‘serverstatusheadingtext’] = “Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there’s any known issues.”;

$_LANG[‘clientareacancelreasonrequired’] = “You must enter a cancellation reason”;

$_LANG[‘addfundsdescription’] = “Add funds to your account with us to avoid lots of small transactions and to automatically take care of any new invoices to generate.”;

$_LANG[‘addfundsnonrefundable’] = “* All deposits are non-refundable.”;

$_LANG[‘creditcardexpirydateinvalid’] = “The expiry date must be entered in the format MM/YY and must not be in the past”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerchoosedomain’] = “Choose a Domain…”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerchecknewdomain’] = “Check Availability of a New Domain”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerdomainexample’] = " eg. yourdomain.com";

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerinvalidtld’] = “is not a valid TLD. Please try again.”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerhostingonly’] = “Order Hosting Only”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckeravailtransfer’] = “Available for Transfer”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerenterdomain’] = “Start your web hosting experience with us by entering the domain name you want to register, transfer or simply purchase hosting for below…”;

$_LANG[‘domaincheckerbulkinvaliddomain’] = “One or more of the domains you entered above was invalid and so has been ommitted from the results”;

$_LANG[‘kbquestionsearchere’] = “Have a question? Start your search here.”;

$_LANG[‘contactus’] = “Contact Us”;

$_LANG[‘opennewticket’] = “Open New Ticket”;

$_LANG[‘searchtickets’] = “Enter Ticket # or Subject”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketspriority’] = “Priority”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketsubmitted’] = “Submitted”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketscontact’] = “Contact”;

$_LANG[‘supportticketsticketlastupdated’] = “Last Updated”;

$_LANG[‘upgradedowngradepackage’] = “Upgrade/Downgrade”;

$_LANG[‘upgradedowngradechooseproduct’] = “Choose Product”;

$_LANG[‘jobtitlereqforcompany’] = “(Required if Organization Name is set)”;

$_LANG[‘downloadproductrequired’] = “Downloading this item requires you to have an active instance of the following product/service:”;

$_LANG[‘affiliatesignuptitle’] = “Get Paid for Referring Customers to Us”;

$_LANG[‘affiliatesignupintro’] = “Activate your affiliate account and start earning money today…”;

$_LANG[‘affiliatesignupinfo1’] = “We pay commissions for every signup that comes via your custom signup link.”;

$_LANG[‘affiliatesignupinfo2’] = “We track the visitors you refer to us using cookies, so users you refer don’t have to purchase instantly for you to receive your commission. Cookies last for up to 90 days following the initial visit.”;$_LANG[‘affiliatesignupinfo3’] = “If you would like to find out more, please contact us.”;

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